Prostate Englargement, Infertility, Chronic pain I spoke about prostate englargement before. Largely a result of blood circulation. But in Chinese medicine it is really due to kidney deficiency. In Chinese medicine however it is viewed as a problem of the bladder also. The prostate is not a organ recognized by Chinese Medicine apparently. In other words it is lobed together with the bladder. But why. Some say the Chinese did not have surgery or anatomy know-how so they didn't know there was a prostate. This is untrue. Records of organ sizes and function were already present in texts dating back 2 thousands at least. It is very possible that when you dissect a real body, not the ones they have in medical school training, that you see very different things as things are not stained and also they are stored in fridges for long times or soaked in chemical preservatives. Chinese medicine says peeing is really a function of qi transformation. In other words urine needs to be mobilized before it can be pushed out. Mobilization here does not mean the physical push of the bladder, that is just an end result. Urine is also not a waste fluid apparently according to Chinese Medicine. From ancient texts it is implied that certain parts are likely reabsorbed back. This is not really possible if you submit to a Western medical paradigm thinking, because there is no apparent holes or passages that could allow urine to get reabsorbed. Yet, that is if you are looking at a dead body. A live body seemingly functions differently. There apparently was a test done a very old Yogi in India who did not eat or drink for many days in his meditation. They wondered where his water came from and went since he never used the bathroom. Through whatever imaging they did, either ultrasound or something, they found the water content in the bladder fluctuated. We always take what we were taught for granted, but we never critically thought and analyzed these things if they are even true or not. People that complain saying they pee all the time, their urine is always clear, if bladder infection is ruled out. Same amount of urine, but people that are able to hold urine longer, their urine has more color. Consider the amount of urine that is produced by the kidney is constant you realize something is amiss. Either something happens to the urine in the bladder or there is some fluctuation in the amount of urine coming out of the kidneys. People that are struggling with infertility need to do their basal body temperature. This is a realistic reflection of the state of a women's cycle. Fertility doctors for some reason do not care much if at all about this based on what I garner from patients. Many don't even know what this is so I assume they weren't even told. "just do IVF". Doesn't really work if your temperature is screwed up as the embryo will stop growing once placed in the womb. Stress is also a factor. But to be accurate it should be obsession. When you obsess over pregnancy you almost do not get pregnant. Chinese medicine compares the body to the natural world and that is what it really is. Organisms are just different representations of each other. There is everything in everything. Nature does not intend to do anything but it does everything effortlessly. This is the way of the Dao according to Chinese Medicine and ancient Chinese philosophy. Body does not like it when you obsess. Things get stuck and blood flow becomes poor in the reproductive regions. When it comes to pain people go to physio, chiro, massage, in particular order. Acupuncture is usually the last on the radar and usually after a long time of the initial problem. Probably 11/10 people who do acupuncture do it like a mechanic. It ends up people thinking acupuncture is just sticking needles in the pain area. It is very sad. Acupuncture is not just about sticking needles in pain areas. In fact you could say it never was. Majority of pain problems, the area of pain, is really just a marker. It is not even the point of the issue. It is just an alarm. When the fire alarm sounds do you turn off the alarm or you find the source of fire? A plumber would do a better job than a mechanic in acupucture I think. When the sink is plugged the point of the problem is usually a little distance away from the sink, depending on how the drains are designed. Physiotherapists doing dry needling and many acupuncturists think in this way I think. It is easy, it is fast; helps with patient volume and seeing large amounts of people but doesn't do much to solve most of these problems. In short, Chinese medicine and Acupuncture is not easy.